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Comments (3)
David Hodges said
at 3:27 pm on May 21, 2010
Baby! This is great! You made yourself a page! I hope your classmates will want to do the same.
Baby Tanuwidjaja said
at 9:53 pm on May 26, 2010
Professor Hodges, I am so glad that I took this summer class, and I am so lucky I have you as my professor. You chalenge us to learn, to study, to think, and of course to write. I feel that this class is chalenging (and I like chalenging) and I always curious what next.. what next assignment. The Wiki has a very important role too; I can not wait to look at the Wiki as soon as I am home. The classmates also make the class more interesting. Just in a few weeks, I have already feel my progress in writing.Thanks again Professor... you are the best teacher that I have ever had.
David Hodges said
at 7:10 am on May 27, 2010
Gosh, Baby, that's an overwhelming compliment. I expect wonderful progress from you this too-short semester. You're already expressing yourself better than you were two weeks ago!
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